Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Do people still fall for these scams? My god, people must either be really gullible, stupid or desperate. Here's a new one that I opened in my junkmail...usually, I tend to delete these but I just had to send a message out to this joker.
Subject: Hello


I work with a bank In
West Africa,Burkina faso .I have a business transaction for you.

In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $10.5 Million US Dollars .In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in car bomb in

Since his supposed next of kin died along side with him at the Bomb blast,there is nobody to claim the left over balance in the account.It is therefore upon this discovery that I and other officials in my department decided to seek your assistance and present you to the bank as his Next of kin.

If you accept i would give you the guide lines of how we can achieve this transfer of the balance (10.5Million Dollars) to your account.and we will shear the money 50-50%.

I expect that you will give me your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication with you and for more details.

Best Regards

James Dapoya

NB; i want you to send your response to my private email address 

My response:

Hi James,

Go to hell. Do you really think any one is stupid enough to fall for this? Why don't you find a real job instead of scamming people out of their money. There is a special place in hell for you and I know I will see you soon.


The Devil

PS: Better start doing good things or karma will bite you in the ass. Have a nice day asshole.

I am sick to death of these bums conning their way into peoples' lives. In Malaysia, there's nearly something in the news every day detailing the arrests of con-men cheating people through job ads, love scams, business deals, etc etc. Guess these illegal scams issue will never be resolved until gullible people use their common sense and stop believing everything they read or hear.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Rudeness of People

I don't understand the people living here at all. Be they foreigners or locals, once you've stepped foot on Malaysian soil, you tend to forget all the manners your parents have taught you and resort to cutting queues, not giving people way, trying to mow down pedestrians, pushing and shoving people to get out of your way on public transportation, lying, cheating, conning, bribing...

and still this country wants first world status in 2010? Huh! Good luck with that. Try changing people's minds and perspectives first, then you can concentrate on providing first world luxuries.

I'm trying to be positive here by letting my anger simmer when one of these things happens to me but sometimes, I just gotta let out steam.

I was waiting in line to purchase a monorail ticket in a station in KL when this foreigner (not tourist, in Malaysia there are two cases of foreigners: rich tourists, or dirt poor migrants from Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Pakistan, Laos, etc who have either come here legally or in most cases illegally) who was standing next to his friend in another line, sees that the lady in front of me is leaving and just pushes himself to the screen. I just stood there gob-smacked until I went up to him, said, "Excuse me, did you not see me standing there?"

He pretended not to understand me or maybe he did not understand English, but he pressed the button of his location, looked at me and pointed at the screen as if saying, 'oh, I just pressed the computer screen and chose my location so that means I was next.' I looked at him, and I felt like pushing him out of the way and I almost did, but contained my anger. Instead, I snarled, "Next time don't do that and cut in front of people. Now hurry up."

I think he understood because he kinda laughed in disbelief that I kept going, "Mhhhmmm...okay, you have the money, now hurry, hurry, you're wasting my time." Because of that asshole, I had to wait 5 more minutes in the line when I should have been the next one up and I missed the first train. I am not sure where he is from (guessing Nepalese), because it did not seem that he respected women at all and was shocked that someone talked back at him.

I told my sister about this and she agreed at what an asshole he was. The thing is, Malaysians do the same thing too by cutting queue when they get the chance but when it comes to standing in lines at the banks or public transportation kiosks, it is rare to see a local jump queue. Unless they wanted to die because I would gladly help them on their merry way to hell.

From the past 7 months that I have been here, I just have to say that the rules here are so lax. Granted, I do not want a rigorous or strict authoritarian regime, but I wish people wouldn't be so selfish here and at least give some consideration to other people. Asians think about saving face all the time but when it comes to the public, they do not give a fuck if they act like pigs in the wild. Sad to say but there needs to be some damn good changes if this country ever wants to play with the big boys.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Day at the Getty Villa in Malibu, California

These are old pictures taken back on February 24, 2010. My sis and I visited the Getty Villa in Malibu, CA to see the ancient Greek and Roman statues and artwork displayed. This was my sister's first visit and my second visit to the Villa. Situated on a hill overlooking the beautiful clear waters off the Malibu and Santa Monica coast, the building, a replica of an old Greek temple, features art that has stood the stand of time, theft and vandalism.

The great thing that was about living in Los Angeles, are the abundance of art showrooms and museums strewn throughout the city. Nearby Van Nuys is the grand ol' J. Paul Getty museum, and in the Wilshire district, there is LACMA and MOCA. Downtown has the Japanese American Memorial as well as art galleries displayed by local artists.

Since coming back to Malaysia, I haven't had the time to go to some museums but I did venture into a tourist center in Melacca which I will share in another post.

Below you will see the pictures that I took as well as my running commentary. Greek and Roman mythology has always fascinated me ever since I was a young kid, most of the myths I still remember even til now! Those Ancient folks may have smoked some wild janga back in the day.

Zeus, the Greek God of Thunder & Lightning
a.k.a 'the dude who tries to screw everybody
 including his own family members'

The Vase and the Figurine are both of Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom,
or known to the Romans as Minerva;
She was also known as the Virgin Goddess or aka 'that chick who had a semi-lesbian fling that may have been reciprocated if her love interest hadn't died'

Why, hello there.
I think this was a young Hercules sans penis.
Didn't really pay attention since I was too busy wondering what happened to his missing organ.

A closeup of his beautiful bod
How did that tagline go again? "I Want that Bod"

Bust of Emperor Augustus (born Gaius Octavius), the first Roman Emperor;
Julius Caesar's nephew, adopted son, heir to the throne and rumored lover

Outdoor Mural with Fountain

Close up of the fountain

Replica of a lady unsuccessfuly covering herself

It was a great trip to the museum and I really enjoyed myself. People who go to LA and visit the museums tend to miss this one out because they don't know that it is free and nearby. Tickets are free but visitors must reserve the entrance tickets by going to the Getty Villa's website and selecting the available dates. I think that the most number of visitors allowed in one day is 60 or less (I may be wrong) so as to not disturb or interupt other viewers from enjoying the art work.

The Start

So I've finally gotten off my lazy ass and started posting onto this blog. I've said to myself before that I should start writing but I never got around to doing it....finally, after 6 months of leaving Los Angeles and settling here in KL, there are no more excuses. It is high time to share my crazy ramblings with the world.

To those who have stumbled across my site, let me tell you a few things about myself:

1) I am back in Malaysia after nearly 11 years of living abroad (since the last time I came back to Malaysia; Total years living abroad is actually 18 years)
2) I am still getting used to the culture shock
3) I swear like a sailor (though I will try to contain myself lest some kiddies come across this site)
4) I like to eat, drink, and bitch
5) I try to have as much fun as possible
6) I like to share my opinions and hear other people's perspective on social issues
7) Originally created as a means of sharing pictures and experiences with my friends back in the US so that they don't think that I am dead, I also hope to gain much further insight in knowing what the hell my life path truly is. One day will equal one further (hopefully not shaky) step to my journey into adulthood. Bleh.

Those are very limited things right now that I can think off and I do not want to bore anybody reading this but also expect pictures of random stuff (though they may not be as constant as other blogs; I do try to keep some things private).